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Indian School Finance Company Private Limited

Sponsor a child

There are lot of students who have to leave schooling because the parents can’t afford fees payment. Child education sponsorship can help these underprivileged students to acquire education. It not only acts as blessing to the child but also allows you to witness young lives getting transformed.

We are dedicating this page to sponsoring the child education ,this page will act as a bridge between seeker and the one who can afford. We will introduce the donor to the school, where the needy child is studying so that there is no intermediary in financial transaction between donor and school.

Normally in our schools fees ranges from Rs 5000 to Rs 15,000 per annum, if you want to sponsor somebody, please select a student from the list below. We will direct your willingness to the school and you can sponsor the child directly by contacting the school. These schools are verified by us and requests are genuine.

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